25 December, 2008

Welcome to Califor.blog.nia


Jason Leith said...

those random clips of you over the semester made me extra glad we are friends. soooo entertaining. seriously.

David T. Ulrich said...

i love you jay lei!

your face will be on here in a matter of days.
along with carson's, monty's, cowguy's, bandit-guy's, and maude's.


tea sea said...

1. i cried from laughter at 1 minutes and 19 seconds. seriously, i watched it like a thousand times.
2. TREVOR! CHRIS! STEPHEN! CARSON! Tali? oh wait...
3. david giese.

tea sea said...

AND i forgot to mention how much i LOVED, not liked, LOVED that you were listening to the Bright Eyes Christmas CD.

Anonymous said...

dave...it was my moment of glory...my face next to yours on your blog while we were in the SDR...wow, i made the cut for the fall semester blognia post!

><> SJ